Protocol: Site-96 Containment Procedures

All personnel assigned to Site-96 must adhere to the following containment procedures. Access to Site-96 is strictly controlled to authorized personnel only. Non-essential staff are prohibited from entering Site-96 without explicit authorization from Level 3 security clearance or higher. Security breaches at Site-96 will result in repercussions co

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Log Entry Site-96 Incursion

At 02:17 hours on February 28th, a minor incursion was observed at Site-96. The secondary breach occurred in the eastern perimeter, resulting in the release of several anomalous entities. Initial response teams were mobilized to secure the facility}. A partial lockdown was promptly implemented. The magnitude of the incursion remains undetermined. F

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Incident Report: Site-96 Security Failure

The containment breach occurred at Site-96 on Date|date and time|. Subject SCP breached its cells, resulting in casualties. Security forces were overwhelmed by the subject's capabilities. The breach lasted for before Site-96 was placed on total lockdown. Preliminary evidence indicates that Subject SCP-XXXX displayed abilities previously unknown.

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